How I Practice

During an initial assessment consultation, your needs, aims and wishes of therapy will be discussed and clarified to ensure we are working together toward the same goals. Based on your particular needs we will devise a plan together. I have my expertise but you are the expert on you, and we will navigate together.

Within the therapy sessions we will begin to develop a sense of safety, gently building a relationship in which you can feel held and contained. I will offer support, gentle challenge, guidance, care and understanding. I will show intrigue within the silences rather than let these be prolonged and support you to notice and explore what the silences may hold.

During our time together we will typically work to learn ways to calm your nervous system and begin healing your overall health and wellbeing to allow a stronger more resilient you to emerge to support any psychological change.

Dependent on your presenting needs we will gently explore and unlock aspects of your story, moments of your life, the experiences, relationships and events that you’re bringing to therapy being careful to reduce the potential to retraumatise. We will identify the sources of your suffering alongside your strengths, by calling upon different therapeutic modalities to gain clarity, understanding, healing and hope.

Alongside you, I will seek to hear the deeper thoughts, communications, emotions, and expressions your words and non-verbal cues convey, and explore these with you. We will work with the mind, body, and Spirit to enable and support a whole-body approach to healing.

Through the therapeutic relationship, we will work to build a new story, a story in which all parts of your psyche come together to forge a new path of your choosing, where forgiveness of self and others is claimed. We can create a path where you are the hero in the vibrant life you are creating, beyond surviving.

The good news is you can recover, uncover and discover your true self and your personal power.

If you wish to ask any questions please complete the contact form and I will give you a call.

I look forward to working with you.

I work to keep charges affordable and offer prices based on individual situations; these can be discussed during the assessment sessions.

My prices vary between £45 - £90 per hour with one lower cost space available.

A free 15 minute initial telephone call can be arranged.