Why Therapy,

Why Now?

Over time we can feel a desire to understand ourselves more deeply, and we begin to feel a sense of longing for change in our life, and a desire to find peace within ourselves; and our place in the world.

We can notice we feel bored of the same patterns and ways of behaving; of how we show up in our relationships - making the same choices that lead to heartache and pain, forever responding and reacting from a self that has been forged by the conditions of our history. We can realise that we don’t want to be this person anymore; we want something different for ourselves, to reclaim our life, and begin what feels like the risky adventure of getting to know who we really are; who we were before life hit us. To be someone WE have decided to be.

We may feel a need to give expression to wounding that has occurred, and allow something larger, softer; a more authentic us to emerge. Therapy can support this reorientation, and can offer you a space to get to know the whole of who you are, discover your own answers, to heal and recover your life. 

As a psychotherapeutic counsellor, I want to meet you as you are, to witness you in your vulnerability, to support you, to gently challenge you to explore beneath any stories, views, and beliefs, to help you consider, be with, and understand what arises for you; within an environment where you can express yourself and be deeply heard and held.

This is an opportunity to offer yourself time and self-reflection within a supportive environment, to move beyond acting from the negative influences of your past,

to speak your truth, heal, and soothe your pain.

To fully embody the authentic, unique individual you are, to flourish, and create more heartfelt relationships;

to live your life, your way.