Personal History

Hello, I am Ellie Green. Personally I have encountered a wide range of life changing difficulties, both physical and emotional, and overcome traumas both as an individual and as a parent. I have raised three children, within a traditional marriage, a stepfamily and as a single parent. All of which I feel gives me insight and empathy into understanding the stress, the pain, the frustration, the fear, the responsibility, and the joys of being a complex human, and of being a parent.

I have lived and practiced in various areas of East Sussex, working in private practice and within multidisciplinary teams and have recently moved to build a new stage of life and practice in Hastings.

My experience, both personal and professional, has taught me that without deeply listening, engaging, holding, loving, and repairing, any trauma will live on and influence our internal and external relationships, our health and our wellbeing and our ability to grow and to thrive, and to live life from a place of abundance, contentment, and joy.

Making transitions from one way of being to another can be much more difficult without the support and encouragement of a confidant, with whom you can speak without fear - the support of a professional therapist can be invaluable at these times.